Tuesday, July 3, 2018

KIB at Oak Ridge Park Day Camp Event

What a pleasure it was to present Angelo and Marie's Fantastic Bubble Show during the event at Oak Ridge Park for the Open Door Care group. Being a STEM enthusiast, edutainer and liquid bubble artist I know how important it is to keep children engaged, inspired and more than happy to learn and discover something new. The elation created by our bubble show performances have proved to be an excellent stepping stone to extending the imagination, creativity and STEM learning process.  Now more than ever, before and after-school daycare and day camp providers are taking full advantage of live edutainment performances like Angelo and Marie's Fantastic Bubble Show.

Angelo and Marie's Fantastic Bubble Show performs at Oak Ridge Park
summer day camp event for an 
Open Door Care group

Before and After School Child Care Working early morning hours and extended day overtime has become a secular requirement many parents often can't afford to turn down.  For these, before and after school care programs can be a practical solution.  Morning and evening daycare is becoming the norm for working parents with grade school age children and affordability requirements. 

One such program provider is Open Door Care found online at http://www.opendoorcare.com. Their motto: "Choices... to best meet the needs of the students in a before and after school setting." And choices is exactly what they offer. From before and after school to summer day camp with loads of activity programs to fit just about every interest from lego land projects to arts and crafts workshops along with team building learning and independent exploration as well. 

Enter Stephanie Marshall, directing the midweek and summer camp programs. She loves what she does, she does what she loves. She has a caring, supportive and upbeat presence among the children, staff and faculty team.  What a pleasure it was to present Angelo and Marie's Fantastic Bubble Show at the Oak Ridge event for the Open Door Care group. Keep up the good work. 

#DayCampActivities #SummerDayCamp #OpenDoorCare, #ChildCare, #BeforeSchoosDayCare #AfterSchoolDayCare #MarylandSchools #BaltimoreSchools, #Parenting

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